Showing 16–24 of 24 results
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شرح مختصر الجرجاني في علم مصطلح الحديث
£10.00 Add to cart“Sharh Mukhtasar al-Jurjani fi ‘Ilm Mustalah al-Hadith’ شرح مختصر الجرجاني في علم مصطلح الحديث is a valuable Islamic book that provides a concise explanation of the science of hadith terminology. Authored by the scholar Manla Hanafi العلامة منلا حنفي and edited by Muhammad ‘Umar Hisham Sabzub محمد عمر هشام سبسوب, this book serves as an important reference for studying the noble Prophetic traditions. It delves deeply into key hadith terminology, explaining them in an easy and simplified manner.
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فتح القوي على حزب الإمام النووي
£10.00 Add to cart“Fath al-Qawi ‘ala Hizb al-Imam al-Nawawi” فتح القوي على حزب الإمام النووي is a book authored by Abdullah bin Abi al-Rabee Suleiman bin Abdullah al-Jarhzi عبد الله بن ابي الربيع سليمان بن عبد الله الجرهزي. It covers topics related to etiquettes, spiritual insights, and Sufism. The book is bound in a sturdy hardcover with suede-like paper. It contains 144 pages and was printed and released in 2022, marking its first edition.
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كتاب الأربعين في الاذان
£5.00 Add to cartThe Book of Forty Hadiths on the Call to Prayer كتاب الأربعين في الاذان is a remarkable work by Mufti Shabeer Ahmed
المفتي شبير أحمد.Book Weighing approximately 0.35 kilograms, this book comes in one volume. The Book of Forty Hadiths on the Call to Prayer is a valuable addition to every Islamic reader’s library. -
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لوامع الأنوار شرح كتاب الأذكار
£25.00 Add to cart“Lawa’ih Al-Anwar: Explanation of the Book of Dhikr” لوامع الأنوار شرح كتاب الأذكار is a unique work in the art of Islamic interpretation, brought to you by Muhyi al-Din Mustu محيي الدين مستو. This valuable book explores the etiquettes and spiritual aspects in a manner that is easy to understand and absorb. This edition consists of two beautifully bound volumes, with high-quality suede paper. The book was published in 2014, marking its first edition.
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متن عمدة الأحكام
£7.50 Add to cart“Al-Umdah fi al-Ahkam” متن عمدة الأحكام is a classic Islamic book dating back to the sixth century of the Hijra, written by Sheikh Abdul Ghani ibn Abdul Wahid عبد الغني بن عبد الواحد. This book is considered one of the most important books of jurisprudence in Islamic history, and it is a primary source for jurisprudential and legal issues. This work was studied and verified by the scholar Mahmoud al-Arnaut محمود الأرناؤوط, and reviewed and presented by Abdul Qadir al-Arnaut. The book was published by Dar al-Thaqafa al-Arabiyya دار الثقافة العربية in Damascus and Beirut دمشق – بيروت, in collaboration with the Cordoba Foundation in Andalusia.
علوم الحديث
مصطلحات أهل الأثر على شرح نخبة الفكر
£17.00 Add to cartIslamic scholars and enthusiasts seeking to deepen their understanding of Islamic thought will find “مصطلحات أهل الأثر على شرح نخبة الفكر” (Terms of Ahl al-Athar on Explaining the Elite of Thought) by Al-Qari الملأ علي القاري a valuable resource. Weighing 1.302 kg, this book is the first edition published by Al-Hashimiya in 1436. Authored by Al-Qari, the book provides a comprehensive explanation of important concepts in Islamic thought.
علوم الحديث
مقاصد الفلاسفة
£19.00 Add to cart“Makasid al-Falasifah” مقاصد الفلاسفة addresses Imam al-Ghazali, may Allah have mercy on him, as a strong fortress against the attempts of atheism and the advocates of philosophy. The book studies the philosophy of the philosophers with a discerning eye, then proceeds to criticize and refute them, relying on his composition method, which follows the wise scholars’ approach in reviewing their opinions, sifting and clarifying them, and responding to them.