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العقيدة الإسلامية
الأربعين في أصول الدين
£18.83 Add to cartImam Al-Ghazali’s الامام الغزالي “The Forty Principles of Religion” الأربعين في أصول الدين encapsulates the essence of Islamic knowledge and practices. It is a comprehensive guide for achieving happiness through knowledge and action, making it easier for readers to obtain its keys through striving and contemplation, as the Imam stated in the book’s دار المنهاج introduction.
العقيدة الإسلامية
البسم في معرفة أحكام السبحة والختم
£4.50 Add to cart“Al-Basmah in Knowing the Rulings of Tasbeeh and Khatam” البسم في معرفة أحكام السبحة والختم is a book that delves into topics in Islamic language and literature, enriching the Islamic library. It helps understand the rulings of tasbeeh and khatam in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. Published by Dar al-Hashimi for Publishing – al-Hashimiyya Library دار الهاشمي للنشر, this book is authored by el-Molla Ahmed b. İbrahim Kajkan الملا أحمد بن إبراهيم قجقان, serving as an important reference for researchers and scholars in the field of Islamic language and literature.
العقيدة الإسلامية
النور اللامع والبرهان الساطع في شرح عثائد أهل السنة والجماعة
£14.00 Add to cart“The Bright Light and the Shining Proof in Explaining the Fundamentals of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa’ah” النور اللامع والبرهان الساطع في شرح عثائد أهل السنة والجماعة is a distinguished book on the beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa’ah أهل السنة والجماعة, serving as an important reference for researchers and students in this field. The book comes in a single volume with a high-quality hardcover binding, authored by Abu al-Fadl Najm al-Millah al-Hanafi أبي الفضائل نجم الملة الحنفي. The current edition of the book is characterized by a high-quality editing done by the prominent researchers Ali Muhammad Zainu and Muhammad Tariq Maghribi علي محمد زينو, محمد طارق مغربية.
العقيدة الإسلامية
بلوغ الأماني في عقيدة الشيباني
£15.00 Add to cart“Reaching Aspirations in Shaykhani’s Creed” بلوغ الأماني في عقيدة الشيباني is an important reference book in Islamic creed, covering many essential topics of interest to every Muslim. Authored by Abu al-Wafa’ ibn ‘Umar al-‘Arudi al-Halabi أبي الوفاء بن عمر العرضي الحلبي, this book has been meticulously reviewed by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Mahmud al-Mahmud عبد العزيز محمود المحمود. The book discusses various aspects of Islamic creed, making it a valuable source for those seeking a better understanding of their faith. Published by Dar al-Shamiyya in Turkey
الدار الشامية | تركيا in 2022 CE | 1443 AH, this book consists of one part, making it suitable for quick reading and reference. -
العقيدة الإسلامية
تبيين كذب المفتري فيما نسب إلى الإمام الأشعري
£14.00 Add to cartDar al-Kitab al-Arabi Beirut presents a precious book titled “Exposing the Fabricated Lies Against Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari,” تبيين كذب المفتري فيما نسب إلى الإمام الأشعري authored by Thiqat al-Din ثقة الدين, Abu al-Qasim Ali ibn al-Hasan ibn Hubaylah أبو القاسم علي بن الحسن بن هبة الله المعروف بابن عساكر, known as Ibn Asakir (d. 571 AH). This third edition of the book, published in 1404. This book is among the significant Islamic books that deal with creed and Islamic thought in a precise scholarly manner. It analytically and deeply corrects the misunderstood interpretations of some religious texts.