Showing 61–75 of 82 results

  • الفقه وأصوله

    عمدة المفتي والمستفتي

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    Al-Umdah al-Mufti wa al-Mustafti عمدة المفتي والمستفتي is an important Islamic book that should be in your personal library. This book weighs 2.471 kilograms and was written by the scholar Jamal al-Din Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman al-Ahdal العلامة جمال الدين محمد بن عبد الرحمن الأهدل, who passed away in 1352. It was published by Dar al-Minhaj دار المنهاج in 1439, and this edition is the third of the book.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    غاية المنى شرح سفينة النجا

    £16.00 Read more

    “Al-Ghayah al-Munyah fi Sharh Safinat al-Najah” غاية المنى شرح سفينة النجا is an important book in Shafi’i fiqh, serving as a valuable guide for students and enthusiasts of Islamic jurisprudence. Authored by Sheikh Muhammad bin Ali al-Du’aini محمد بن علي الدوعني, this book was published by Dar al-Fath in Jordan دار الفتح | الأردن in 2019 AD (1440 AH). The book covers essential topics in Shafi’i fiqh, making it a significant reference for those interested in understanding the principles of religion and familiarizing themselves with its rulings.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    غاية الوصول الى شرح لب الاصول

    £14.50 Add to cart

    “Attainment of the Essence of Fundamentals” غاية الوصول الى شرح لب الاصول by Zakariya bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Zakariya Al-Ansari زكريا بن محمد بن أحمد بن زكريا الأنصاري , Zain al-Din Abu Yahya Al-Saniki زين الدين أبو يحيى السنيكي (d. 926 AH) is a profound Islamic text published by Dar Al-Kutub Al-Arabiyya Al-Kubra in Egypt دار الكتب العربية الكبرى، مصر. This single-volume work adheres to the original pagination.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    فتاوى الكردي

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    فتاوى الكردي is an important book in the field of Islamic jurisprudence, as it combines the fatwas of Imam Sheikh Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Kurdi العلامة محمد بن سليمان الكردي المدني with those of Sheikh Muhammad Saleh al-Rais al-Zubairi. This book is a valuable source for researchers and students interested in the fundamentals of jurisprudence and other Islamic specializations.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    فتح الرحمن في شرح زبد ابن رسلان

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    Fatḥ al-Raḥmān fī Sharḥ Zabād Ibn Ruslān” فتح الرحمن في شرح زبد ابن رسلان is an important Islamic book that serves as a valuable source of Islamic knowledge. The book provides a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the Shafi’i fiqh book “Zabād al-Fiqh” by Ibn Ruslān, authored by Shaykh Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad al-Ramli  شهاب الدين أبو العباس أحمد بن أحمد بن حمزة الرملي. It covers various topics in Islamic jurisprudence and is considered a significant reference for researchers and students.The book was published by Dār al-Manhāj in Beirut, Lebanon دار المنهاج، بيروت – لبنان.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    فتح القدير الخبير بشرح تيسير التحرير في الفقه الشافعي

    £16.00 Read more

    “Al-Fath al-Qadeer, Expertise in Explaining Taysir al-Tahrir in Shafi’i Fiqh” فتح القدير الخبير بشرح تيسير التحرير في الفقه الشافعي is a book in Islamic Sciences that serves as a significant reference in Islamic Jurisprudence. Authored by the honorable scholar Abdullah bin Hajazi al-Sharqawi al-Khalwati عبد الله بن حجازي الشرقاوي الخلوتي, it elucidates numerous jurisprudential issues in an easy and clear manner. Written in Arabic, it stands as a valuable source for researchers and students alike.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    كتاب شرح الإيضاح في المناسك المسمى فتح الفتاح في شرح الإيضاح

    £38.50 Add to cart

    “Sharh al-Izah fi al-Manasik al-Musammah Fath al-Fattah fi Sharh al-Izah” كتاب شرح الإيضاح في المناسك المسمى فتح الفتاح في شرح الإيضاح by the scholar Muhammad Ali al-Siddiqi ibn Allan al-Makki العلامة محمد علي الصديقي ابن علان المكي. This monumental work consists of 3 volumes. Considered a leading reference in the field of jurisprudence (fiqh), this book provides a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the rituals of Hajj, Umrah, and other Islamic rites.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    كتاب عمدة السالك وعدة الناسكر

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    “The Guiding Principles for the Traveler and the Provision of the Traveler” كتاب عمدة السالك وعدة الناسكر is a valuable edition authored by the eminent scholar Ahmad ibn al-Naqib al-Misri أحمد بن النقيب المصري, also known as Abu al-Abbas أبو العباس. This book is one of the most important works dealing with the Prophet’s biography and Islamic history in an engaging and informative manner for the reader. This edition comes in one volume and was first published in 1982 by the Religious Affairs Department in Qatar الشؤون الدينية – قطر.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    لب الاصول وعليه تيسير الاصول

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    “لب الاصول وعليه تيسير الاصول” is an important book in the fundamentals of Islamic jurisprudence, serving as a valuable guide for those interested in Islamic studies. Authored by Abi Yahya Zakariya ibn Muhammad al-Ansari al-Shafi’i ابي يحيى زكريا بن محمد الانصاري الشافعي, this book was published in 2023 in its first edition. The book features a fine hardcover binding and shamua paper, making it a genuine artistic piece that adds significant value to your library.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    متن الغاية والتقريب

    £5.00 Add to cart
  • الفقه وأصوله

    متن سفينة النجاه

    £4.00 Add to cart
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