Showing 16–17 of 17 results

  • القرآن وعلومه

    قرائن التنزيه في المتشابهات من القران الكريم

    £10.00 Add to cart

    “The Indicators of Distinction in the Similarities of the Noble Quran” قرائن التنزيه في المتشابهات من القران الكريم is a unique work in the sciences of the Noble Quran, presented to us by the author Amer Zakariya Akkad عامر زكريا عقاد. The book explores the similar aspects in the Noble Quran in a precise scientific manner, assisting readers in understanding the deeper meanings and wonderful composition of the Quran. The Shamia Publishing House in Turkey الدار الشامية | تركيا is one of the leading publishers of Islamic books, and it released this book in 2021, consisting of one part.

  • التفسير

    مدارك التنزيل وحقائق التاويل تفسير النسفي

    £40.00 Add to cart

    “Tafsir al-Nasafi: Insights into Revelation and Interpretation Facts” مدارك التنزيل وحقائق التاويل تفسير النسفي is an important Islamic book, serving as a reference for Muslims seeking a deeper understanding of the Holy Quran. This book comes in 3 volumes, authored by the prominent Islamic scholar Abdullah ibn Ahmad al-Nasafi عبد الله بن أحمد بن محمود النسفي, and verified by Yusuf Ali Badiwi يوسف علي بديوي and Muhi al-Din Dib Mistu محي الدين ديب مستو. The first edition of the book was published in 1419 AH – 1998 AD, by Dar al-Kalam al-Tayyib دار الكلم الطيب.

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