Showing 1–15 of 116 results
اللغة العربية
آداب الصحبة والمعاشرة مع أصناف الخلق
£8.00 Add to cart“The Etiquette of Socializing with Different Kinds of People” آداب الصحبة والمعاشرة مع أصناف الخلق by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali
أبي حامد الغزالي is a significant work for scholars, preachers, and thinkers in Islamic studies and other cultural disciplines. It covers topics relevant to those interested in the behavior and mysticism, contributing to the intellectual development of humanity. -
أدب الدين والدنيا
£17.00 Add to cart“Adab al-Din wa al-Dunya (Adab al-Dunya wa al-Din) (Pub. Al-Manhaj)” أدب الدين والدنيا is a wonderful book by the author Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Habib al-Mawardi Abu al-Hasan علي بن محمد بن حبيب الماوردي أبو الحسن. This book is an important reference for researchers and those interested in Islamic jurisprudence and religious literature. It comes in a new edition for the year 1434 AH – 2013 AD. It is a single-volume, non-indexed book, but it contains valuable and engaging content worth reading.
اللغة العربية
أيها الولد
£9.00 Read moreأيها الولد
A heartfelt letter by Imam Al-Ghazali, filled with spiritual advice and life lessons for seekers of truth. This concise yet profound work emphasizes sincerity, self-accountability, and preparing for the Hereafter, inspiring readers to align their actions with their faith. A timeless guide for personal growth. -
النحو والصرف
إظهار الأسرار في النحو
£6.00 Add to cart“إظهار الأسرار في النحو” هو كتاب مميز في علم النحو العربي، يقدم شرحاً شاملاً ومفصلاً لقواعد اللغة العربية بطريقة سهلة ومبسطة. يستند الكتاب إلى مصادر متنوعة من التراث اللغوي العربي، ويوضح الأسس والقواعد الأساسية بأمثلة عملية تسهل فهمها وتطبيقها. مناسب للطلاب والمهتمين بتعلم اللغة العربية وتحليل النصوص، يعتبر “إظهار الأسرار في النحو” مرجعاً هاماً يساعد على بناء أسس قوية في فهم واستخدام اللغة العربية بدقة وفعالية.
اللغة العربية
اظهار الاسرار
£8.00 Add to cartoffers a deep dive into the spiritual mysteries of Islam, guiding readers through the inner dimensions of Sufi thought. Written by Shaykh Ahmad al-Rifa’i, this book explores the connection between outward practices and inward purity, highlighting the hidden truths of Islamic spirituality. With its focus on the purification of the heart and soul, Izhaar Al-Asrar is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the profound, mystical aspects of Islamic tradition.
الأخلاق الإسلامية وأسسها
£31.00 Add to cartExplore the depths of Islamic ethics with “Islamic Ethics and its Foundations” الأخلاق الإسلامية وأسسها by Abdul Rahman Habannaka Al-Maidani عبد الرحمن حبنكة الميداني. This comprehensive book, delves into the essence of ethics as the cornerstone of civilizations, emphasized by religions and reformers alike. The book, written in Arabic, remains a timeless guide, advocating for ethical conduct as a means to navigate human interactions and societal challenges.
اللغة العربية
البلاغة العربية أسسها وعلومها وفنونها
£42.50 Add to cartFor the best selection of Arabic literature on rhetoric, explore “البلاغة العربية أسسها وعلومها وفنونها” by عبد الرحمن حسن. This comprehensive work delves into the foundations, sciences, and arts of Arabic rhetoric. This book is a treasure trove for scholars and enthusiasts alike. Dive into the world of eloquence and linguistic mastery with this insightful read.
النحو والصرف
التحفة السنية بشرح المقدمة الأجرومية
£8.00 Add to cartIntroducing “Al-Tuhfah Al-Sunniyah: Explanation of Al-Muqaddimah Al-Ajurrumiyyah” التحفة السنية بشرح المقدمة الأجرومية by author Muhammad Muhyiddin Abd al-Hameed محمد محي الدين عبد الحميد. Published by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in Qatar وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية – قطر in 1428 – 2007. This valuable book comes in a single volume and focuses on explaining Al-Ajurrumiyyah in an understandable and clear manner.