Showing 31–45 of 57 results

  • اللغة العربية

    شذا العرف في فن الصرف

    £7.00 Add to cart
  • النحو والصرف

    شذا العرف في فن الصرف – الحملاوي (مع التعليقات والرسوم البيانية)

    £19.00 Add to cart

    “Experience the essence of Arabic grammar with ‘Shadhā al-ʻArf fī Fun al-Ṣarf’ شذا العرف في فن الصرف by Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al-Ḥamalāwī أحمد بن محمد الحملاوي, featuring insightful commentary by Alāʼ al-Dīn ʻAṭīyah أ. علاء الدين عطية. Published by Dār al-Faīḥā دار الفيحاء, this edition is a comprehensive guide to understanding the intricacies of Arabic grammar. Dive into the world of morphology and syntax, enriched with detailed explanations and illustrative diagrams.

  • النحو والصرف

    شرح المغني في النحو

    £10.00 Read more

    “شرح المغني في النحو” هو كتاب يقدم شرحاً شاملاً لقواعد النحو العربي بطريقة سهلة وواضحة، مكتوب بواسطة المؤلف محمد بن عبد الرحيم. يعتبر هذا الكتاب مثاليًا للطلاب الذين يسعون لفهم أساسيات اللغة العربية بدقة وفهم عميق، ويقدم أمثلة عملية لتوضيح المفاهيم النحوية بشكل فعال.

  • النحو والصرف

    شرح بناء الأفعال

    £14.00 Read more
  • النحو والصرف

    شرح تصريف العزي

    £13.50 Read more
  • اللغة العربية

    شرح ديكنقوز على مراح الأرواح في الصرف

    £15.00 Add to cart

    شرح ديكنقوز على مراح الأرواح في الصرف:

    Kitaab Sharh Deeknooz ‘Ala Maraah Al-Arwah Fi As-Sarf offers a comprehensive explanation of Maraah Al-Arwah Fi As-Sarf, focusing on Arabic morphology. The text is a valuable commentary by Deeknooz, providing clear insights into the complexities of Arabic verb forms and word structure. A crucial resource for advanced Arabic students, it offers in-depth analysis and clarification of morphological concepts, aiding in mastering the subtleties of classical Arabic grammar.

  • النحو والصرف

    شرح شذور الذهب في معرفة كلام العرب

    £13.50 Add to cart

    This book, “شذور الذهب في معرفة كلام العرب” by ابن هشام الأنصاري, is a rare literary work that provides a profound insight into the arts of grammar and the Arabic language. Ibn Hisham Al-Ansari, the famous Egyptian grammarian, authored this valuable book, which is one of the most important books that explain Arabic grammar. The book is characterized by its smooth style and comprehensive explanation, making it suitable for all levels, whether beginners or advanced in the study of the Arabic language. This book is essential for anyone interested in the Arabic language and wanting to learn it more deeply.

  • النحو والصرف

    شرح قطر الندى وبل الصدى

    £14.00 Read more

    “Sharh Qatr al-Nada wa Bal al-Sada” شرح قطر الندى وبل الصدى is an important Islamic book that covers various religious topics in a clear and scholarly manner. Authored by the renowned scholar Jamal al-Din Abdullah bin Yusuf bin Hisham al-Ansari جمال الدين عبد الله بن يوسف بن هشام الأنصاري, the book is rich in information and deep analysis, making it a valuable reference for researchers and students of religious affairs. There is one volume of the book available, which is not indexed, and it was published by the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs وزارة الأوقاف السعودية.

  • اللغة العربية

    شرح قطر الندى وبل الصدى

    £13.00 Read more
  • اللغة العربية

    شرح قواعد الإعراب لإبن هشام

    £12.50 Read more

    “شرح قواعد الإعراب لابن هشام” is a valuable book in the field of Arabic grammar, providing a detailed explanation of the basic rules of grammatical analysis. Authored by the renowned scholar Muhammad bin Mustafa al-Qawji محمد بن مصطفي القوجوي, this ancient commentary has been meticulously researched and edited by Dr. Ismail Ismail Marwa إسماعيل إسماعيل مروة. Presented in a single volume, the book is fully indexed for easy reference and accessibility.

  • النحو والصرف

    شرح متن المقصود

    £12.50 Read more
  • النحو والصرف

    غرر القواعد

    £7.50 Add to cart

    “غرر القواعد” (The Pearls of Grammar) is an important book in the field of Arabic syntax authored by Hussam al-Din Hussein ibn Ibrahim al-Awlawi حسام الدين حسين بن إبراهيم الأولوي. Published by Al-Hashimiya Library in Istanbul, Turkey المكتبة الهاشمية | إسطنبول ، تركيا, in 2018 CE (1439 AH), this single-volume book is essential for anyone studying Arabic language and syntax.

  • اللغة العربية

    فتح الكبير المتعال إعراب المعلقات العشر الطوال

    £40.00 Read more

    “Fath al-Kabir al-Muta’al I’rab al-Mu’allaqat al-Ashr al-Tawal” فتح الكبير المتعال إعراب المعلقات العشر الطوال is a valuable book in Arabic language and grammar, written by Muhammad Ali Taha Al-Durrah محمد علي طه الدرة. This book is an important source for the study of grammar and syntax, providing a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the ten long suspended poems.The book consists of two volumes and is considered a rare publication as it is not indexed. This edition was published in 1409 AH – 1989 AD by Al-Sawadi Library مكتبة السوادي.

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