Showing 46–57 of 57 results
النحو والصرف
كتاب الافعال لابن القوطية
£27.00 Add to cart“The Verbs of Ibn al-Qayyim” كتاب الأفعال لابن القوطية is a unique work in Arabic linguistics, brought to you by the prestigious publisher, Maktabat Al-Khangji, in Egypt مكتبة الخانجي. Authored by the great scholar Muhammad bin Umar bin Abdul Aziz al-Qawtaiyah Abu Bakr محمد بن عمر بن عبد العزيز القوطية أبو بكر, with the second edition being published in 1993. This book is considered a rare gem in Arabic literature, meticulously revised by the eminent researcher Ali Fouda, under the supervision and guidance of Mr. Ali Rateb. It is a must-have in the library of every seeker of knowledge in the Arabic language.
اللغة العربية
مبادئ دروس العربية
£7.00 Add to cart“Mabade’ Duroos Al-Arabiyya” مبادئ دروس العربية is an excellent book for learning Arabic, serving as a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a deep understanding of Arabic language rules. This book provides a detailed and comprehensive explanation of various aspects of the Arabic language in a smooth and logical manner, making it ideal for both beginners and advanced learners alike. Authored by Muhammad Muhyi al-Din Abdul-Hameed محمد محيي الدين عبدالحميد, this book falls under the Language and Linguistics category.
النحو والصرف
مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب قطع كبير
£32.00 Add to cart“Mughni al-Labib ‘An Kutub al-A’arab Qit’an Kabir’ مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب قطع كبير is a valuable Islamic book considered one of the most important in Islamic jurisprudence. It is authored by Sheikh Jamal al-Din Ibn Hisham al-Ansari الشيخ جمال الدين ابن هشام الانصاري, who passed away in 761. This book was published in its third edition by Dar al-Labab in the year 1440. It consists of one volume and serves as a significant reference for students and researchers in Islamic jurisprudence.