Showing 91–105 of 109 results

  • اللغة العربية

    مبادئ دروس العربية

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    “Mabade’ Duroos Al-Arabiyya” مبادئ دروس العربية is an excellent book for learning Arabic, serving as a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a deep understanding of Arabic language rules. This book provides a detailed and comprehensive explanation of various aspects of the Arabic language in a smooth and logical manner, making it ideal for both beginners and advanced learners alike. Authored by Muhammad Muhyi al-Din Abdul-Hameed محمد محيي الدين عبدالحميد, this book falls under the Language and Linguistics category.

  • النحو والصرف

    مجموعة الصرف وشروحها وحواشيها

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    “The Collection of Sarf with its Explanations and Annotations” مجموعة الصرف وشروحها وحواشيها is a book on Arabic grammar and morphology, covering various topics related to the rules and foundations of Classical Arabic. Authored by a group of scholars, this book has been edited by Sahib Mulla Nuri صهيب ملا نوري. The latest edition of this book was printed in 2016 by Dar Tahqiq al-Kutub in Istanbul, Turkey
    دار تحقيق الكتاب | اسطنبول | تركيا, and Dar Nur al-Sabah in Turkey دار نور الصباح | تركيا.

  • اللغة العربية

    مختصر الزاهر

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    “Mukhtasar al-Zahir” مختصر الزاهر is an important book in Islamic jurisprudence, considered a significant reference for students and enthusiasts of Islamic law. The book is divided into two volumes and covers various topics in Islamic jurisprudence in a simple and clear manner. It was authored by Abdul Rahman bin Ishaq al-Nahawandi al-Zajjaji Abu al-Qasim عبد الرحمن بن إسحاق النهاوندي الزجاجي أبو القاسم, and edited by Tamer Mohamed Amin Hassanein تامر محمد أمين حسنين. Published by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in Qatar وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية – قطر.

  • اللغة العربية

    معلم القراءة العربية

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    The Arabic Reading Teacher معلم القراءة العربية is a unique book that helps you learn Arabic reading in an easy and accessible way. Written by Mustafa Al-Jundi مصطفى الجندي and presented by Zakariya Husseini زكريا حسيني, this book focuses on the study of the Quran and its sciences in a detailed and comprehensive manner. The book comes in a sturdy cover and high-quality white paper, and was first published in 2010 in its tenth edition.

  • النحو والصرف

    مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب قطع كبير

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    “Mughni al-Labib ‘An Kutub al-A’arab Qit’an Kabir’ مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب قطع كبير is a valuable Islamic book considered one of the most important in Islamic jurisprudence. It is authored by Sheikh Jamal al-Din Ibn Hisham al-Ansari الشيخ جمال الدين ابن هشام الانصاري, who passed away in 761. This book was published in its third edition by Dar al-Labab in the year 1440. It consists of one volume and serves as a significant reference for students and researchers in Islamic jurisprudence.

  • اللغة العربية

    مفتاح السعادة ومصباح السيادة

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    “Key to Happiness and Lamp of Sovereignty” مفتاح السعادة ومصباح السيادة is a must-read book for its valuable and insightful content in Islamic teachings. Authored by Tashkubri Zadeh طاشكبري زاده; Ahmad bin Mustafa bin Khalil أحمد بن مصطفى بن خليل, containing treasures of knowledge and wisdom. The first edition was published in 1405 AH – 1985 AD by Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah in Beirut دار الكتب العلمية – بيروت.

  • الأذب

    مفتاح العرب لمقالكاتي قسم الديب و حاجية الظهور

    £8.00 Add to cart

    “Miftah al-Arab for My Articles مفتاح العرب لمقالكاتي قسم الديب و حاجية الظهور is a significant book in the field of deep reflection and the need for emergence, offering profound philosophical insights into language and literature. Published by Dar al-Hashimi المكتبة الهاشمية it is authored by el-Molla Omar ibn el-Molla Abdullah ibn el-Molla Khalil al-Hizani al-Is’ardi الملا عمر ابن الملا عبد الله ابن الملا خليل الهيزاني الإسعردي. The author provides a deep exploration of literary and linguistic genres, making it an important reference for anyone interested in the humanities.

  • اللغة العربية

    مقاصد الرعاية لحقوق الله عز وجل

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    “Maqasid al-Ra’ayah li-Huquq Allah Azza wa Jal” مقاصد الرعاية لحقوق الله عز وجل is an important book in Islamic jurisprudence, authored by Sultan al-Ulama الملقب بسلطان العلماء, Abu Muhammad Aziz al-Din Abdul Salam ibn Abi al-Qasim ibn al-Hasan al-Salmi al-Dimashqi أبو محمد عز الدين عبد العزيز بن عبد السلام بن أبي القاسم بن الحسن السلمي الدمشقي. Published by Dar al-Fikr in Damascus in the first edition in 1416 AH – 1995 AD, it consists of 175 pages. This book provides a comprehensive and methodological interpretation of the rights of Allah, making it a valuable reference for researchers and students of Islamic jurisprudence.

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