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  • المنطق والفلسفة

    القول الناضجي في شرح الإيساغوجي

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    “The Mature Saying in Explaining the Isagoge” القول الناضجي في شرح الإيساغوجي is a book categorized under Logic and Debate, authored by Molla Ahmed Bin Ibrahim Kaçkan ملا احمد بن ابراهيم قجقان and published by El Mektebetul Hashemiyye المكتبة الهاشمية. This book is a valuable resource for those interested in logic and debate, distinguished by its engaging and clear explanation of Isagoge concepts.

  • المنطق والفلسفة

    المجموعة المنطقية

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    The Logical Collection is a stimulating set aimed at enhancing intellectual and philosophical understanding, ideal for the Khubayṣī in developing his mental and logical skills. The collection includes “Tadhīb al-Mantiq wa al-Kalām” المجموعة المنطقية by the renowned authors Saʻd al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī سعد الدين التفتازاني, ʻUbayd Allāh ibn Fuḍayl Allāh al-Khubayṣī عبيد الله بن فضل الله الخبيصي, Muḥammad ibn ʻIrfaẓah al-Dasūqī محمد بن عرفة الدسوقي, ʻAbd al-Majīd al-Sharnūbī عبد المجيد الشرنوبي, and Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār حسن العطار. This work is considered a masterpiece among thinkers and scholars. It contains critical insights into logic and rhetoric, authored by notable figures in the field.

  • المنطق والفلسفة

    تلميح الايساغوجي بزيادة تفوح على الملتجي

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    “The Hints of Esagouge with an Increase That Shines Brightly for the Seeker” تلميح الايساغوجي بزيادة تفوح على الملتجي is a significant Islamic book authored by Sheikh Khalil Al-Ishardi Al-Amri العلامة خليل الإشعردي العمري, edited by Hamed Al-Soukily حامد السوكيلي, and published by Al-Hashimiya Library المكتبة الهاشمية in the first edition in 1441. The book weighs 0.19 kilograms and consists of one volume. This book is considered one of the most important Islamic books found in Islamic bookstores.

  • الحديث وعلومه

    لوامع الأنوار شرح كتاب الأذكار

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    “Lawa’ih Al-Anwar: Explanation of the Book of Dhikr” لوامع الأنوار شرح كتاب الأذكار is a unique work in the art of Islamic interpretation, brought to you by Muhyi al-Din Mustu محيي الدين مستو. This valuable book explores the etiquettes and spiritual aspects in a manner that is easy to understand and absorb. This edition consists of two beautifully bound volumes, with high-quality suede paper. The book was published in 2014, marking its first edition.

  • السيرة

    نور اليقين في سيرة سيد المرسلين

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    “Noor Al-Yaqeen in the Biography of the Messenger of Allah” نور اليقين في سيرة سيد المرسلين is a wonderful Islamic book worth reading, telling the story of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in an engaging and captivating manner. Authored by Sheikh Al-Khudari المعروف بالشيخ الخضري, Muhammad bin ‘Afeefi Al-Bajouri محمد بن عفيفي الباجوري, this book was published by Dar Al-Fa’ihah in Damascus دار الفيحاء – دمشق. The second edition of the book was printed in 1425 AH, reflecting its popularity and readers’ appreciation.

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