
شرح تهذيب المنطق للحفيد التفتازاني المقتول


If you’re looking for valuable Islamic logic books with historical and scientific significance, then “Tahdhib al-Mantiq” تهذيب المنطق is one of the most important books that researchers in this field should explore. This book was authored by the eminent scholar Al-Tafazzani. The book contains important explanations and comments added to it by scholars of the time, making it of great interest to students and researchers in religious sciences and logic.

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إذا كنت تبحث عن كتب المنطق الإسلامية ذات القيمة التاريخية والعلمية، فإنَّ كتاب “تهذيب المنطق” يعتبر واحدًا من أهم الكتب التي ينبغي على الباحثين في هذا المجال الإطلاع عليها. صُنِّف هذا الكتاب من قبل العلامة التفتازاني، الذي لم يدفعه تقدمه في العمر عن تأليف هذا العمل الكبير. يحتوي الكتاب على شروحات وتعليقات مهمة تمَّ إضافتها عليه من قبل علماء العصر، مما جعله محط اهتمام الطلاب والباحثين في علوم الدين والمنطق.

If you’re looking for valuable Islamic logic books with historical and scientific significance, then “Tahdhib al-Mantiq” is one of the most important books that researchers in this field should explore. This book was authored by the eminent scholar Al-Tafazzani, who did not let his old age hinder him from composing this great work. The book contains important explanations and comments added to it by scholars of the time, making it of great interest to students and researchers in religious sciences and logic.

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg
عدد الحجم



سعد الدين التَّفْتَازَانِي


النور المبين

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    A tranquil space for readers to explore, learn, and grow through inspirational literature.

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