
Showing 151–165 of 436 results

  • العقيدة الإسلامية

    بلوغ الأماني في عقيدة الشيباني

    £15.00 Add to cart

    “Reaching Aspirations in Shaykhani’s Creed” بلوغ الأماني في عقيدة الشيباني is an important reference book in Islamic creed, covering many essential topics of interest to every Muslim. Authored by Abu al-Wafa’ ibn ‘Umar al-‘Arudi al-Halabi أبي الوفاء بن عمر العرضي الحلبي, this book has been meticulously reviewed by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Mahmud al-Mahmud عبد العزيز محمود المحمود. The book discusses various aspects of Islamic creed, making it a valuable source for those seeking a better understanding of their faith. Published by Dar al-Shamiyya in Turkey
    الدار الشامية | تركيا in 2022 CE | 1443 AH, this book consists of one part, making it suitable for quick reading and reference.

  • العقيدة الإسلامية

    تبيين كذب المفتري فيما نسب إلى الإمام الأشعري

    £14.00 Add to cart

    Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi Beirut presents a precious book titled “Exposing the Fabricated Lies Against Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari,” تبيين كذب المفتري فيما نسب إلى الإمام الأشعري authored by Thiqat al-Din ثقة الدين, Abu al-Qasim Ali ibn al-Hasan ibn Hubaylah أبو القاسم علي بن الحسن بن هبة الله المعروف بابن عساكر, known as Ibn Asakir (d. 571 AH). This third edition of the book, published in 1404. This book is among the significant Islamic books that deal with creed and Islamic thought in a precise scholarly manner. It analytically and deeply corrects the misunderstood interpretations of some religious texts.

  • اللغة العربية

    تحرير القواعد المنطقية في شرح الرسالة الشمسية وبالهامش حاشية الشريف الجرجاني

    £12.30 Add to cart

    “The Editing of Logical Rules in Explaining the Sunnah Message” تحرير القواعد المنطقية في شرح الرسالة الشمسية وبالهامش حاشية الشريف الجرجاني is a book that discusses topics in philosophy, logic, and Islamic theology. It is authored by Ali ibn Umar Al-Qazwini علي بن عمر القزويني and Qutb al-Din Al-Razi قطب الدين الرازي. The book is characterized by a meticulous verification conducted by the Hashemite Center for Studies and Heritage Verification, and it was published by the Hashemite Library in Turkey in 2015 AD | 1436 AH.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    تحفة الطلاب بشرح تنقيح اللباب

    £34.00 Add to cart

    “Tuhfat al-Tullab with Explanation of Tanqih al-Lubab” تحفة الطلاب بشرح تنقيح اللباب is a valuable work in the Hanafi jurisprudence. Authored by Sheikh Zakariya bin Muhammad al-Ansari زكريا بن محمد الأنصاري أبو يحيى, this book is renowned for its detailed explanation and elucidation. This edition has been meticulously verified by Dr. Salah bin Muhammad bin Awaidha صلاح بن محمد بن عويضة, making it an important reference for researchers and students alike. The book contains important information in Hanafi jurisprudence. This work comes in a single volume and is characterized by an easy and clear style, making it suitable for readers of all levels.

  • Osman Books

    ‏تحقيق المراد

    £14.00 Read more

    “Attainment of the Desired in That Prohibition Implies Corruption” تحقيق المراد في أن النهي يقتضي الفساد is a printed text by Salah al-Din Abu Sa’id Khalil bin Kikaldi bin Abdullah al-Dimashqi al-Alai صلاح الدين أبو سعيد خليل بن كيكلدي بن عبد الله الدمشقي العلائي .This book is edited by Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad al-Salafiti د. إبراهيم محمد السلفيتي and published by Dar al-Kutub al-Thaqafiyya دار الكتب الثقافية – الكويت in Kuwait. The book aims to clarify that prohibition in Islamic Sharia implies corruption. It is considered an important book in understanding Islamic jurisprudence.

  • الفقه واصوله( الشافعي )

    تحقيق المراد في أن النهي يقتضي الفساد

    £13.37 Add to cart
  • الفقه الشافعي وأصوله

    تذكرة الإخوان في اصطلاحات الشافعية

    £5.00 Add to cart

    “The True Believers Book” تذكرة الإخوان في اصطلاحات الشافعية is an important book in Islamic jurisprudence, providing a comprehensive Shafi’i interpretation of jurisprudential concepts. This book serves as a valuable reference for anyone seeking a deep understanding of Islamic law from the perspective of Imam Shafi’i. It was authored by the Shafi’i scholar Muhammad b. Ibrahim el-Uleyci el-Kalici el-Kalhani and published by Hashemi Publishing House المكتبة الهاشمية, one of the leading institutions dedicated to spreading Islamic culture.

  • Osman Books

    تعريب الرسالة الفارسية في الاستعارات لمنجم باشى

    £16.00 Add to cart

    Discover a treasure trove of Islamic wisdom with “تعريب الرسالة الفارسية في الاستعارات لمنجم باشى.” This insightful book, weighing 870 grams, is a must-have for any Islamic book enthusiast. It offers a profound journey into Islamic teachings and philosophy.

  • التصوف والأخلاق

    تعليم المتعلم طريق التعلم

    £7.00 Add to cart

    “Teaching the Learner the Way of Education” تعليم المتعلم طريق التعلم is an important book offered to you by the Islamic Bookshop. It is authored by Burhan al-Islam al-Zarnuji برهان الإسلام الزرنوجي and has been edited by Marwan Qabbani مروان قباني. The book addresses topics related to teaching and learning, contained within a single volume and is not indexed. It was published in the year 1401 AH – 1981 AD.

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