
Showing 376–390 of 436 results

  • Osman Books

    متن سفينة النجاه في ما يجب على العبد لمولاه

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    “The text of ‘The Ship of Salvation in the Servant’s Obligations to His Lord’ متن سفينة النجاه في ما يجب على العبد لمولاه  is an important Islamic book that addresses issues of worship, ethics, and Islamic behavior in an easy and direct manner. Authored by Sheikh Salem bin Sameer Al-Hadrami  سالم بن سمير الحضرمي, this non-indexed book consists of a single volume first published in 2009 by Dar Al-Minhaj دار المنهاج.  It also offers advice and guidance for achieving proper Islamic behavior in daily life.

  • الحديث وعلومه

    متن عمدة الأحكام

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    “Al-Umdah fi al-Ahkam” متن عمدة الأحكام is a classic Islamic book dating back to the sixth century of the Hijra, written by Sheikh Abdul Ghani ibn Abdul Wahid عبد الغني بن عبد الواحد. This book is considered one of the most important books of jurisprudence in Islamic history, and it is a primary source for jurisprudential and legal issues. This work was studied and verified by the scholar Mahmoud al-Arnaut محمود الأرناؤوط, and reviewed and presented by Abdul Qadir al-Arnaut. The book was published by Dar al-Thaqafa al-Arabiyya  دار الثقافة العربية  in Damascus and Beirut دمشق – بيروت, in collaboration with the Cordoba Foundation in Andalusia.

  • العقيدة الإسلامية

    مجموع أم البراهين

    £19.00 Read more
  • العقيدة الإسلامية

    مجموع الإمام السنوسي في العقيدة

    £19.00 Read more
  • النحو والصرف

    مجموعة الصرف وشروحها وحواشيها

    £15.50 Add to cart

    “The Collection of Sarf with its Explanations and Annotations” مجموعة الصرف وشروحها وحواشيها is a book on Arabic grammar and morphology, covering various topics related to the rules and foundations of Classical Arabic. Authored by a group of scholars, this book has been edited by Sahib Mulla Nuri صهيب ملا نوري. The latest edition of this book was printed in 2016 by Dar Tahqiq al-Kutub in Istanbul, Turkey
    دار تحقيق الكتاب | اسطنبول | تركيا, and Dar Nur al-Sabah in Turkey دار نور الصباح | تركيا.

  • المنطق والفلسفة

    محك النظر

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    “Al-Muhk al-Nazr” محك النظر is an important Islamic book authored by Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali al-Tusi أبو حامد محمد بن محمد الغزالي الطوسي. This book covers various topics in Islamic jurisprudence. The editor, Ahmed Fareed Al-Muzidi أحمد فريد المزيدي, provides a meticulous verification of this book. The book stands out for its rich and comprehensive content that appeals to researchers and readers interested in Islamic sciences.

  • اللغة العربية

    مختصر الزاهر

    £19.35 Add to cart

    “Mukhtasar al-Zahir” مختصر الزاهر is an important book in Islamic jurisprudence, considered a significant reference for students and enthusiasts of Islamic law. The book is divided into two volumes and covers various topics in Islamic jurisprudence in a simple and clear manner. It was authored by Abdul Rahman bin Ishaq al-Nahawandi al-Zajjaji Abu al-Qasim عبد الرحمن بن إسحاق النهاوندي الزجاجي أبو القاسم, and edited by Tamer Mohamed Amin Hassanein تامر محمد أمين حسنين. Published by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in Qatar وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية – قطر.

  • التفسير

    مدارك التنزيل وحقائق التاويل تفسير النسفي

    £40.00 Add to cart

    “Tafsir al-Nasafi: Insights into Revelation and Interpretation Facts” مدارك التنزيل وحقائق التاويل تفسير النسفي is an important Islamic book, serving as a reference for Muslims seeking a deeper understanding of the Holy Quran. This book comes in 3 volumes, authored by the prominent Islamic scholar Abdullah ibn Ahmad al-Nasafi عبد الله بن أحمد بن محمود النسفي, and verified by Yusuf Ali Badiwi يوسف علي بديوي and Muhi al-Din Dib Mistu محي الدين ديب مستو. The first edition of the book was published in 1419 AH – 1998 AD, by Dar al-Kalam al-Tayyib دار الكلم الطيب.

  • العقيدة الإسلامية

    مشكاة الأنوار

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    “Mishkat al-Anwar” مشكاة الأنوار by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali أبو حامد محمد الغزالي is a remarkable book that serves as an important source for researchers and scholars in Islamic sciences and culture. This book falls within the specialization of studies of Islamic scholars, preachers, and thinkers, and it constitutes a significant contribution to the history of human thought.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    مصباح المحتاج الي مافي المنهـاج

    £120.00 Add to cart

    “Misbah Al-Muhtaj ila Ma’rifat Ma fi Al-Minhaj” مصباح المحتاج الي مافي المنهـاج is an exceptional series of fiqh books that delves into the Shafi’i fiqh in an engaging and simplified manner, suitable for readers of all ages. This book comes in 5 parts, authored by Sheikh Muhammad bin Qasim Al-Ghazzi محمد بن قاسم الغزي, and meticulously edited by Sheikh Wael Al-Shanshoury وائل الشنشوري. This wonderful work was published by Dar Al-Minhaj Al-Qawim in Damascus دار المنهاج القويم | دمشق in 2022 CE, and is considered one of the important fiqh books that every enthusiast of Shafi’i fiqh should possess.

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