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  • الفقه وأصوله

    ارشاد الفحول الى تحقيق الحق من علم الاصول

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    Islamic Guidance to Achieve Truth in the Principles of Jurisprudence إرشاد الفحول إلى تحقيق الحق من علم الأصول is an important Islamic book that addresses issues of jurisprudence and principles in a simple yet profound manner. Authored by Sheikh Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Shawkani الشوكاني؛ محمد بن علي بن محمد بن عبد الله الشوكاني, this book provides the reader with a deep understanding of the principles of Islamic jurisprudence. It has been re-researched by the researcher and editor Sami bin Al-Arabi Al-Athari سامي بن العربي الأثري.

  • الفقه الشافعي وأصوله

    التنبيه في الفقه الشافعي

    £25.00 Read more

    The book التنبيه في الفقه الشافعي offers valuable advice and guidance to readers in understanding and applying Shafi’i jurisprudence. The editor إبراهيم بن علي بن يوسف الفيروزاباذي الشيرازي أبو إسحاق compiled this edition by comparing it with the printed version in full, correcting previous errors and establishing necessary differences.

  • الفقه الشافعي وأصوله

    الفقه الإسلامي أحكام العبادات

    £11.00 Add to cart

    “Al-Fiqh al-Islami: Ahkam al-Ibadat” is a comprehensive guide to Islamic jurisprudence focusing on the rulings of worship, including prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj, presented in a clear and accessible format for learners.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    اللمع في أصول الفقه

    £10.00 Add to cart
  • Osman Books

    المدخل إلى أصول الإمام الشافعي

    £45.00 Read more

    “The Introduction to the Principles of Imam Al-Shafi’i” المدخل إلى أصول الإمام الشافعي is considered a fundamental book for understanding the principles of the Al-Shafi’i school of Islamic jurisprudence. This book consists of two volumes with a total weight of 2.467 kilograms. It was authored by Dr. Mortada Ali bin Muhammad Al-Daghistani د. مرتضى على بن محمد الداغستاني and published by Noon for Studies
    نون للدراسات والنشر and Publishing in the first edition in 1445 AH. The book discusses the principles of Imam Al-Shafi’i in jurisprudence and fundamentals, serving as an important reference for researchers and students interested in Islamic studies.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    المستصفى من علم الأصول

    £26.00 Add to cart

    Al-Ghazali’s book “Al-Mustasfa min ‘Ilm al-Usul” المنهل النضاخ في إختلاف الأشياخ is considered one of the foundational texts in the principles of Islamic jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh). In this work, Al-Ghazali combines a clear and logical presentation with a thorough examination of meanings. Al-Ghazali’s method is to present the issue, explain his opinion, mention the views of scholars who agree with him, then discuss the opposing views and their evidence, including analogy. He then examines and refutes the evidence, relying on both textual and rational arguments, to arrive at a conclusion and the most correct and preferable opinion.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    المستصفى من علم الاصول

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    “Al-Mustasfa min ‘Ilm al-Usul” المستصفى من علم الاصول is an important book for understanding Islamic jurisprudence according to the Shafi’i school, authored by Imam Al-Ghazali محمد بن محمد بن محمد الغزالي الطوسي, Hujjat al-Islam حجة الإسلام, and verified by the scholar Hamza bin Zuhayr Hafiz حمزة بن زهير حافظ. This book is an abbreviation of his original work “Tahdhib al-Usul,” aiming to investigate the fundamentals of jurisprudence comprehensively and in detail, discussing rulings, purposes, and the legal evidences from the Quran, Sunnah, consensus, analogy, and juristic reasoning, among other topics relevant to this field.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    المعراج إلى مسائل المنهاج

    £20.00 Add to cart

    The book “Al-Miraj ila Masa’il al-Minhaj” المعراج إلى مسائل المنهاج is a valuable resource in Islamic jurisprudence, serving as an important reference for those interested in Islamic studies. It was written by Sheikh Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mawsili al-Shafi’i شمس الدين محمد بن محمد الموصلي الشافعي and includes explanations by Ahmed Ali Abdel-Aal and Abdel Rahman Mohammed Ahmed احمد علي عبد العال و عبد الرحمن محمد احمد. The book was published by Dar Asfar in Kuwait دار اسفار – الكويت and is available in a high-quality binding with suede paper.

  • الفقه وأصوله

    المنهل النضاخ في إختلاف الأشياخ

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    The “Al-Manhal Al-Nadakh Fi Ikhtilaf Al-Ashyakh” المنهل النضاخ في إختلاف الأشياخ is a comprehensive Islamic jurisprudence book authored by the renowned scholar Sheikh Omar, also known as Ibn Al-Qaradaghi العلامة الشيخ عمر الشهير بإبن القره داغي, with research by Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghiالدكتور علي القره داغي. This book, categorized under Islamic jurisprudence and its principles, is a single-volume edition featuring white paper and a glossy finish.

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